Teaming up with for the best dog sitting services in our home, instead of a kennel.


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Meet George playing in our large, fenced-in backyard.

Kathy believes that most dog owners prefer loving homes to kennels for their canine family members when seeking dog sitting services.
If you’re like me, your pets have become family members. When you can’t be home for them, whether it’s for work, vacation or other obligations, you want your best friends taken care of with the same love and attention you give them. Kathy will give you peace of mind by providing your dogs with quality, loving care during their stay at her home.
Kathy teamed up with Rover as a convenient service that helps you find a happy, safe place to leave your dog when you’re away from home.
Kathy is an experienced, life-long dog owner and dog lover. Kathy will provide loving care for your best friend during their stay at her home.
Her home has a large, fenced backyard so your dog will have plenty of room to run and play. Your dogs will get plenty of outside potty breaks, and even dog walking if requested. Plus, your dog will be with Kathy throughout the day and night as she owns a small home-based business in the dog product and service area.
Kathy also offers you day dog care services at an hourly rate of $15 per hour. If you’re hosting a party or any event and need your dogs away from home for several hours (not an overnight stay), you can count on Kathy for day services as well.
In addition, as a dog owner, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your stay is covered by premium pet insurance. Rover provides universal insurance coverage to stays and services booked on Rover, free of charge. For more information on coverage details, simply contact

Meet brothers Kendrick and Kensington.


Welcome to Kathy’s Rover Dog Sitting Services in Overland Park, KS.


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Misc 062Treat your dog to a loving home stay, worry-free!

Kathy believes that most dog owners prefer loving homes to kennels for their canine family members when seeking dog sitting services.

If you’re like me, your pets have become family members. When you can’t be home for them, whether it’s for work, vacation or other obligations, you want your best friends taken care of with the same love and attention you give them. Kathy will give you peace of mind by providing your dogs with quality, loving care during their stay at her home.

Kathy teamed up with Rover as a convenient service that helps you find a happy, safe place to leave your dog when you’re away from home for a day or on vacation for weeks at a time. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your dogs will no longer have to stay in lonely cages at a kennel with minimal outside breaks and less one-on-one attention.

Kathy is an experienced, life-long dog owner and dog lover. Kathy will provide loving care for your best friend during their stay at her home.

Her home has a large, fenced backyard so your dog will have plenty of room to run and play. Your dogs will get plenty of outside potty breaks, and even dog walking if requested. Plus, your dog will be with Kathy throughout the day and night as she owns a small home-based business in the dog product and service area.

To get started today, visit Kathy’s website at:

And start saving money today by using Coupon Code:  DOGWALKERSHOP20.
